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Happy Holidays!

What Moves You?

What Moves You?

What moves you? What lights you up?

For me, it’s the sunrise. Being a kind friend. Motherhood. Accomplishing goals and achieving professional milestones. Adventure. Joyful children. Little babies. Time spent with family and friends. Time in the woods and at the beach. An open meadow of wildflowers and dancing butterflies. Art. Music. Love. God.

All of these things evoke an overwhelming feeling that you can truly make any dream a reality, and then dream some more. They make my light shine brighter, my smile wider, and my soul more hopeful.

So how do we cultivate a life with more of these experiences? How does one create a life that provides an abundance of moments that nourish your soul?

I’ve found that gratitude in life provides the foundation for soul chilling experiences. Grateful people are happy people. It is also important to take stock of who and what lights you up and mindfully choose to prioritize those people and things.

What moves you? What makes your heart full? Please leave your thoughts in the comments below.

May you find what brings you an overwhelming sense of joy, and cherish it.  

Tags: hope, joy, love

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